There are few benefits of not having Hollywood's movies or few benefits by putting up the taxes on the Hollywood's movies in Indonesia. Hollywood's movies control and dictation the market in the whole world. The Hollywood's movies is a monopoly for the movies industry. They can produce and sell through the world easily with no strictly restrictions for it while local movies in each country are struggled. With less or no Hollywood's movies in the market, should be able to increase local productions quality and quantity. Indonesia's movies industry should also see this as a big opportunity to be able to create and produce more movies to fulfill the market and demands because Indonesia's movie industry would have less competitions. This situation also should make Indonesian people more love and appreciate local productions as always been a slogan for many industry in Indonesia including movie industry. I believe the people in the movie industry has ability and talent to produce a good quality movies also we have so much resources to be able to inspired the story of the movies. Indonesia's great culture and nature is one of the biggest assets to be used. I also believe this scenario or this issues by pulling out the Hollywood's movies in the market is a temporary business status remembering Indonesia's market is a big market for Hollywood's movies industry. I am confident if this also followed by other countries by putting more taxes towards Hollywood movies, they will come to agreement.
Talking all about Indonesia, the people, the culture & traditions, the language, the food, life style, hot topics & issues, tourism includes places I've been visited and many more.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Ahmadiyah is better than Gayus or the other corrupt people
Religion is a personal faith and belief, is a business between a human and God, let's them belief what they belief to, each person in this world will find the way on what they belief to in to the perfection on different ways. Allah SWT said 'My religion is my faith and your religion is your faith'. If Ahmadiyah believe that their faith will bring them to heaven, that is their faith, let's give a space for them and if other people believe to what they belief to let;s also gives a space for them, let's lives in harmony although we interpreter things differently.
Now, let's analysis who is a better person in Indonesia. If there is someone who is Ahmadiyah, she or he always pray each day, go to the mosque each time he/she pray, read the bible what they faith in every time, talk good to people, never hurt people by saying something rude, never steal things from people, never kill people like terrorist or never done anything bad likes Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, and many other things, or someone likes Gayus or other corrupt people who obviously steal the money from people, make people poor, uneducated, ill and hunger, who do you think is better? why should we judged the Ahmadiyah people is not good because they have different belief with others, why they should lost their lives and why they should live in a fear because they have their own faith, that is not right. Now, think deeply have we done something useful for your life, your family, your community and your country? What can you do in your capacity as a human being?
Now, let's analysis who is a better person in Indonesia. If there is someone who is Ahmadiyah, she or he always pray each day, go to the mosque each time he/she pray, read the bible what they faith in every time, talk good to people, never hurt people by saying something rude, never steal things from people, never kill people like terrorist or never done anything bad likes Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, and many other things, or someone likes Gayus or other corrupt people who obviously steal the money from people, make people poor, uneducated, ill and hunger, who do you think is better? why should we judged the Ahmadiyah people is not good because they have different belief with others, why they should lost their lives and why they should live in a fear because they have their own faith, that is not right. Now, think deeply have we done something useful for your life, your family, your community and your country? What can you do in your capacity as a human being?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Ahmadiyah has been existed long time ago before proclamation of Indonesian Independence. Back in 1953 Ahmadiyah legally protected by Justice minister's decision letter (SK Menteri Kehakiman RI No. JA 5/23/13 Tgl. 13-3-1953), however Ahmadiyah as a controversial religious minority in Indonesia has only risen sharply in 2000s. According to the history, Ahmadiyah is definitely is part of the Indonesia background of how Indonesia built the tolerance in religion back years ago. Ahmadiyah lived peacefully and also be able to practice their own belief with no fear in the times gone by while today in a democracy era, an era where people has a freedom, they have to face a terrified terror. As a human being they have their own right to live peacefully like others apart from concerning what they are doing, how about many others Muslim or many others from any religions in Indonesia who are not practice the religion at all, they can still have a peacefully life without a fear that someone will threw stones at them or people will burn their houses. With all what's happening with Ahmadiyah in Indonesia since 2000s government should provide the new law to protect all Ahmadiyah members across the country also to be granted that Ahmadiyah as another religion that some Indonesian people are belief in and faith in. We all aware that Ahmadiyah has different practical way of faith to Islam, different faith to Muhammad as the last prophet, different faith to Al-Qur'an and many others different ritual that are not based on Al-Qur'an and Hadist, all this should gives us enough evidence that Islam and Ahmadiyah are two different religion, so we should not worry about it, Muslim across the country should not worry that Ahmadiyah will manipulate Islam belief because they are different one to another. In this case the Indonesia government should quickly providing the new law that Ahmadiyah is one of religion that is recognized and protected by law so, there will not be a religion dissension any longer in between the two Jama'ah. According to Indonesia Constitution 1945 Chapter XI Article 29 mentioned that (1) the State is based upon belief in one supreme God. (2) The State guarantees freedom of each citizen to embrace each religion and to worship according to his religion or belief. It is very clear that each person in Indonesia is free to choose any religion they belief and the government guarantees the freedom in religion they belief. That's it!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Let's vote for Komodo Island through
I have voted the Komodo Island as a finalist in World 7 wonders of nature. Let’s also give a pressure to the Indonesia government to protect the Island by creating, implementing, and supervising the laws, regulations and wisdom.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ariel 'Peter Porn'
Life is not over in here, in prison you can still live well and you still can create something great. You can still compose songs and play music. Just to remind you, to be productive and successful you don't have to be free, sometimes when you are even in the little square box like your room in the prison you can still be able to do something valueable, you can still create something through the 'walls', use your sensitivity and your power through your mind and heart. If you think back down the history, Soekarno our first president, our hero, and the one who made us like what we are now, had spent sometime in the prison, from one to the others. Soekarno could still spread his words, his thoughts, his ambitions, his spirits, his power to the people even to the world. His dignity was not ended in the prison, his dignity is Indonesia now. Nelson Mandela also had the samething, he changed the world too.
Ariel, what i am saying is don't be afraid, this is not the ends, this is just begining of your new life, admit that your self was wrong, admit that you did a huge mistake, apologize to the people, forgiving yourself and try to moves on. I think you are lucky to get this punishment so you can learn from this big lessons for better future and you are lucky enough to still have support from people surrounding you. I was also very upset knowing what you did because my under age nephews and nieces watched your videos, can you imagine it if that happens to your family or to your daughter, how hurt would be for you to know that your under age daughter watched porn movies, would be like a disaster. The Judges had made a decision, 3 years and 6 months jail, lower than the indictment which was 5 years jail, you should be feeling lucky, I believe this is the best for you. Now open a new page try to write a new word and moves on from there to a new better life. What do you think?
Ariel, what i am saying is don't be afraid, this is not the ends, this is just begining of your new life, admit that your self was wrong, admit that you did a huge mistake, apologize to the people, forgiving yourself and try to moves on. I think you are lucky to get this punishment so you can learn from this big lessons for better future and you are lucky enough to still have support from people surrounding you. I was also very upset knowing what you did because my under age nephews and nieces watched your videos, can you imagine it if that happens to your family or to your daughter, how hurt would be for you to know that your under age daughter watched porn movies, would be like a disaster. The Judges had made a decision, 3 years and 6 months jail, lower than the indictment which was 5 years jail, you should be feeling lucky, I believe this is the best for you. Now open a new page try to write a new word and moves on from there to a new better life. What do you think?
Abu Bakar Ba'asyir faces charges of capital punishment or life imprisonment
Muslim boarding school leader of Pesanten Ngruki Central Java Abu Bakar Ba'asyir has to deal again with alleged criminal acts of terrorism. This time he faces charge of capital punishment or life imprionment. The prosecutors have submitted the cases to the South Jakarta Court (Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan). Abu Bakar Ba'asyir will be charged on suspicion of terrorism activities including providing funds for military training in the area Janto Nagroe Aceh Darussalam Province, a bank robbery in Medan, North Sumatra and other terrorist cases that occurred throughout the year. The eyes of the world will be watching to this cases, does the Indonesia goverment taking this terorism issues seriously.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Indonesia and corruption
Indonesia and corruption is like a two sided coin. One side is Indonesia and the other side is a corruption, can't be felt a part. Corruption in Indonesia is in the blood of the people, once is in the blood, its hard to get rid of it. If you can't beat them, we join them. So, lets join them. Good luck people!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Budaya korupsi di Indonesia
Penegakan hukum di Indonesia berkaitan dengan masalah korupsi tidak akan berjalan dengan baik apabila budaya korupsi pada masyarakat bawah tidak juga diberantas oleh kesadaran masing-masing individu. Contoh kecil yang sudah membudaya di masyarakat Indonesia adalah korupsi di pada lingkungan pendidikan. Murid sekolah yang mencontek ketika melakukan ulangan atau ujian, guru-guru dan dewan sekolah yang berkolusi memberikan jawaban soal kepada mudrid2, nilai yang bisa dibeli dengan uang, guru2 yang sengaja menjual buku2 pelajaran dan tidak membolehkan murid membeli bulu di luar sekolah atau memakai buku bekas kakak kelasnya dll. Untuk menjadi PNS harus dengan uang puluhan juta rupiah, budaya sogok atau bahkan memberikan uang tips atas jasa2 pamong praja, uang rokok dsb adalah beberapa contoh kecil dari permasalahan korupsi di Indonesia. Apabila setiap individu berkomitmen untuk tidak melakukan tindakan suap, murid yang jujur yang tidak mencontek ketika menjalani ujian, pamong praja yang rela melakukan tugasnya tanpa mengharapkan uang rokok, RT dan RW serta perangkat desa lainnya yang rela tidak mendapatkan uang 10 ribu atau lebih untuk sekedar pengurusan KTP dan kartu keluarga, Insya Allah jika individu yang dibentuk seperti itu dikemudian hari Indonesia akan bersih dari korupsi. Disinilah peran pemerintah yang harus dapat mengayaumi para pamong praja dan perangkat desa untuk mendapatkan kelayakan hidup agar bisa menjadi abdi masyarakat tanpa harus meminta belas kasihan dari masyarakat hanya untuk mengharapkan uang 'rokok'.
Ketika media membombardir berita mengenai pejabat2 negara yang korupsi setiap saat, maka terbiasalah pola pikir dan budaya yang terbentuk di masyarakat berkaitan dengan korupsi, akan dirasakan kejahatan korupsi tidak akan dipandang tabu lagi oleh nilai yang ada di masyarakat karena semua orang melakukan hal yang sama, dikatakan tabu itu karena tidak ada sedangan ketika semua orang melakukan hal yang sama maka tidak akan dipandang tabu lagi. Yang saya takutkan akan ada pemikiran dikemudian hari bagi orang yang tidak melakukan korupsi di negara korup seperti Indonesia akan dipandang tidak normal karena tidak sama dengan kebanyakan orang. orang jujur akan menjadi kaum minoritas, dan kaum korup akan menjadi kaum mayoritas di negara yang katanya negara paling religius di dunia, sangat memprihatinkan.
Ketika media membombardir berita mengenai pejabat2 negara yang korupsi setiap saat, maka terbiasalah pola pikir dan budaya yang terbentuk di masyarakat berkaitan dengan korupsi, akan dirasakan kejahatan korupsi tidak akan dipandang tabu lagi oleh nilai yang ada di masyarakat karena semua orang melakukan hal yang sama, dikatakan tabu itu karena tidak ada sedangan ketika semua orang melakukan hal yang sama maka tidak akan dipandang tabu lagi. Yang saya takutkan akan ada pemikiran dikemudian hari bagi orang yang tidak melakukan korupsi di negara korup seperti Indonesia akan dipandang tidak normal karena tidak sama dengan kebanyakan orang. orang jujur akan menjadi kaum minoritas, dan kaum korup akan menjadi kaum mayoritas di negara yang katanya negara paling religius di dunia, sangat memprihatinkan.
Gayus oh Gayus
Kayus gayus adalah kasus yang akan menjadikan pembuktian bagi aparat penegak hukum sekaligus pemerintah SBY akan keseriusan dan komitmen reformasi dalam pemberantasan kasus korupsi di Indonesia. Apabila Gayus terhindar dari hukuman yang berat, maka komitmen dalam pemberantasan korupsi pada pemerintahan SBY dapat dikatakan gagal karena kasus Gayus ini adalah ujung tombak dan tolak ukur dari keseriusan pemerintah dalam pemberantasan korupsi. Pemberian hukuman yang berat bukanlah akhir dari putusan hukum yang akan diterima Gayus, pengawasan dalam masa hukuman pun akan menjadi sangat penting ketika Gayus dapat dengan mudah dan leluasa keluar masuk tahanan seperti yang terjadi beberapa waktu lalu. Apalah artinya hukuman yang berat apabila tidak ada pengawasan yang ketat dalam tahanan, yang akan terjadi Gayus mungkin saja menghabiskan masa hukumannya di luar negeri, bahkan mungkin tinggal di rumah mewahnya, toh itu sudah dibuktikannya beberapa waktu lalu. Jika kasus Gayus hanya sampai pada hukuman ringan, orang akan berpikir lebih baik menjadi koruptor, hukum tetap memandang dan menempatkan koruptor diposisi paling mulia, secara tidak langsung memberikan nilai dan image yang baik pada nilai sosial kemasyarakatan.
Friday, January 7, 2011
My last holiday to Indonesia
I live in Australia for the past 3,5 years. I have been back home few times since I moved to Australia. I recently went back home for holiday. This time holiday was the longest holiday I've had which was more than 2 months, very long holiday, but no complaints at all just the fact that the pollution and the traffic jam in Jakarta are crazy and can not be tolerances, but that still a beautiful things to experienced.
AfterI am returned to Australia few days ago I realize how beautiful things are in Indonesia, even I missed the traffic jam and the pollution that I was complaints about. I missed also the people, the kids, the value of life, the culture, the harmony, the tolerances, smiling faces around the country, all those things make me want to always go back there and enjoying my self with the diversity they have.
My messages to this point is, for everyone out there who loves Indonesia or someone who is now enjoying holiday in Indonesia, please appreciate more for every single bite of Indonesia because you will regret if you don't.
AfterI am returned to Australia few days ago I realize how beautiful things are in Indonesia, even I missed the traffic jam and the pollution that I was complaints about. I missed also the people, the kids, the value of life, the culture, the harmony, the tolerances, smiling faces around the country, all those things make me want to always go back there and enjoying my self with the diversity they have.
My messages to this point is, for everyone out there who loves Indonesia or someone who is now enjoying holiday in Indonesia, please appreciate more for every single bite of Indonesia because you will regret if you don't.
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